Circassian village of Mafehabl - Maykop district, Republic of Adygea


The village of Mafehabl is in the Republic of Adygea, about 5 kilometers north-east of the capital city of Maykop. The village was built in 1998 for those who return to their homeland. Initially, repatriates from Yugoslavia settled there. The village was built with the support of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Adygea as well as donations from Circassians from the homeland and the diaspora. 25 houses were given to returnees from Yugoslavia.

Today, there are about 80 houses in Mafehabl, most of which (55 houses) were built by the returnees themselves, that is, on their own without the support of the Republic. These returnees came from Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Germany and the United States.

The village has all the infrastructure such as electricity, water and gas. There is a soccer field, a children's playground, a clinic and a store.

Villagers work in various fields such as medicine, services, agriculture, construction and others.
